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10+ years of complex software engineering experience of Java, including proven skill sets in JSP/Servlet/J2EE with Struts/Spring/Hibernate/MyBatis etc. Familiar with design pattern, multi-thread, NIO and Executor.
Web development
6+ years web development experience in both frontend and backend using Java.. Moving to Spring-boot based project recently
4+ years coding experience in Javascript with AngularJS, JQuery.
Proficient at JavaScript/Ajax/Html/CSS. (Learning Node.js/ReactJS recently.)
Be responsible for Open Platform and be familiar with RESTful design,including Jersey,SpringMVC,Apache CXF
Familiar with CAS_SSO and HTTPS, and experienced in project
Familiar with OAuth2.0 protocol
Experienced in and familiar with the various database servers, including Mysql, Oracle, H2, SQL server.Using NoSQL (MongoDB, Cassandra) recently.
Application Server
Understanding and using the various application servers, including Tomcat, Jetty, JBoss, Weblogic, and distributed J2EE using any server to run web/browser technologies.
Other Main Frameworks used in project
Python, Maven, Ant, JSTL&EL, SLF4J,Quartz, Json,freemark,Taglib,JXL,JspReport, JFreeChart, Ehcache, Memcached, Junit, JMeter
Familiar with Eclipse, Git, SVN, VSS and capable working under Linux. Quickly learning ability

Work Experience

TikTok. Sep. 2021 - to date, Singapore

Senior Manager, T&S Engineering Team

1. Provide Leadership to Trust and Safety Engineering team to build a high performance and event driven social product where people can safely discover, create and connect.

Ant Group. Nov. 2020 - Sep. 2021, Singapore

Technical Lead, Global E-commerce Payment

1. Providing technical leadership to the payment platform team for stablity and tech risk.
2. Liaised with 100+ engineers on a 5000+ man-day project to rebuilt 25 PRC interfaces, 9 messages & 14 scheduler jobs to make the itnl. businesses meet the US and EU compliance.
3. Improved the overall stability of payment system by 77% via optimizing the distributed transaction and DB connections which reduced the fullGC to 2 hours from 23 hours.
4. Established a tech forum to boost the engineering excellence and setup a training framework to 10+ new joiners.
5. Won the “Breaking Boundaries Awards” for the good teamwork with internal and external teams.

Visa Inc. Mar. 2018 - Nov. 2020, Singapore

Sr. SW Engineer, VISA Token Service

1. Leading the innovation projects development and providing technical leadership to VISA Token Service (VTS) team.
2. Responsible for planning and execution of product requirements. End to end delivery from software design, development, quality, production roll out and monitoring. Liaison with various team across regions.
3. Conducted Innovation league, Hackathon and codeworks to bring culture of engineering excellence and creativity in the team. Provided mentorship for the team members and interns. Selected Projects in below.
4. Developed the Card-On-File Data service (COFDS) which enables Issuers/banks to fetch what merchants stored consumers payment credentials. It is the first API from VTS generating direct profit in production. Multi-threading and asynchronized database query are intensively used to tune performance and handle the big data (3.5 B records).
5. Delivered the Device Attestation Service (DAS) to protect VISA mobile SDK. Designed and implemented the validation process to attest android devices with Google Safetynet. 2 M+ android devices are calling DAS.
6. Won the champion of DDP SG Codewroks 2019. Implemented an all-in-one payment solution to enable one wallet user enjoying the same payment experience with other popular wallets. (Filed 1 patent with 1st author)
7. Won the champion of VISA global hackathon 2018. Developed VISA common QR payment gateway supports both consumer and merchant present QR.
8. Won the champion of F10 Fintech Hackathon 2018 with A blockchain and IPFS powered KYC system. (Filed 2 patents in progress with 1st author)

Environment and Language: Bitbucket/Rally/Jira/Splunk, Springboot, Docker, Openshift, Oracle, MongonDB

Energy Research Institute @NTUAug. 2014 - Feb. 2018, Singapore

Research Associate (Database and J2EE developer)

1. Team Leader, founded the ICT Team and completed 5 practical projects in past three years.
2. Built the first Energy cloud services in Singapore on basis of Spring framework to exchange the collected energy data. Spark is utilized for real-time data analytics. Compliant with Green Energy Standards – IEEE1888/2030/IEC61850
3. Established team scrum framework - an iterative approach to software delivery that builds software incrementally
4. Wrote Proposals and project management. Liaised with government agencies, professors and industrial companies, we managed to apply the single largest grant from NRF – Smart Muilti-Energy System (SMES) with S$20 million.
5. Leading the software development in SMES and achieved 15% improvements in energy efficiency by implemented web-based SCADA/HMI applications which integrated various BMS, Micorgrids, renewables, energy sources and loads, power meters and sensors. Designed SCADA provides flexible configuration of devices with supported protocols (Modbus RTU/TCP, TCP, etc), data storages, cache, security and alarms to customize users’ applications.
6. Published 5 research papers with high quality. Selected projects: NTU EcoCampus, SMES - Smart Multi Energy System, Powerz ( http://ecocampus.ntu.edu.sg/Pages/powerz.aspx )

Environment and Language: SCADA, JAVA, Python, Cassandra, Spring Boot, JPA, AngularJS, Lunix

1. Yuanbo Zhu, Dominic Maurath, Longqi Zhang, Nanmagalam Devika, Leong Hai Koh, Fook Hoong Choo. An Intelligent Microgrid Energy Management System Using Distributed Database and IEEE. The 40th IEEE International Conference on Computers, Software & Applications (COMPSAC2016). Atlanta, USA. Accepted.
2. Dominic Maurath, Zhu Yuanbo, Shu Weiqi, Zhang Longqi, Koh Leong Hai, Choo Fook Hoong. A Distributed Energy Cloud Concept for Real-time Multi-Energy Integration And Facility Optimization. World Engineers Summit on Climate Change (WES 2015).

Beijing Computing Center Feb. 2014 - Jul. 2014, Beijing

Architect, Design and Implementation of Industrial Cloud App Store

Quickly created the diagrams of interaction flow, redesigned the website prototypes and page-layouts of an app store of Industrial cloud computing, by utilizing tools such as Axure, Xmind, etc. In charge of the security module and database design of the website, Applied CAS and HTTPS to achieve single-sign-on. The security framework Apache Shiro was utilized to secure our applications. HAProxy was employed to achieve high availability and load balancing. The website also supports the open protocol OAuth2.0. http://www.chinahypercloud.com/

Environment and Language: Linux, Oracle, Tomcat, CAS, Struts2, Spring, Hibernate, HAProxy

Publication: Wei LI; Yuanbo ZHU; Ming ZOU, Applied Research of Single Sign On Technology in Cloud Services. Applied Mechanics & Materials. 2014, Issue 602-605, p3552-3555

Beijing Computing Center Feb. 2014 - Jul. 2014, Beijing

Technical Manager(Department of Research and Development)

Worked as the development manager of the project General Billing Platform for Cloud computing, In charge of the technology selection and building the architecture. participated in the design of product model and the development of target system as well. This project worked base on Springside Pragmatic stype, including the Shiro security framework, Quartz timer, Spring data JPA and Hibernate, etc. RESTful API is provided in our project as well.

Environment and Language: Eclipse, Maven, Java, SpringMVC, Spring, JPA, JQuery, Mysql, Ubuntu

Centre for High Performance Embedded Systems, NTUMAY 2012 - Aug. 2012, Singapore

Research Assistant (Reconfiguration Techniques for Fault Tolerant Mesh-connected Embedded System)

Worked as a research student with NTU, devised novel fault-tolerant techniques to enhance the reliability of the embedded systems, especially, the reconfiguration approaches for two-dimensional fault-tolerant mesh. Proposed algorithm combined dynamic programming and greedy strategy, it can efficiently derive a maximal sized healthy sub-array from the defective host array and improve the performance of the resulting embedded system.

Environment and Language: Linux, C, GCC

Publication: Yuanbo Zhu, Jigang Wu, Siew-Kei Lam and Thambipillai Srikanthan, Reconfiguration Algorithms for Degradable VLSI Arrays with Switch Faults, International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS), pp. 356-361, Singapore, 2012.

Centre for High Performance Systems, TJPUSep. 2010 - Apr. 2012, Tianjin

Research Student (Effective Fault-tolerant Techniques on Reconfigurable Meshes, Projects of National Natural Science Foundation (NSF) under Grant No. 60970016 and No. 61173032)

Did research on mesh-connected degradable m×n VLSI/WSI Arrays with faults linked by 4-port switches. Utilize Efficient Heuristics to accelerate the reconfiguration of the two well-known algorithms. By approaching dynamic programming, we proposed temperature-aware fault-tolerance techniques for constructing the optimal target subarray.

Environment and Language: Linux, C, GCC


1. Yuanbo Zhu, Jigang Wu, Siew-Kei Lam and Thambipillai Srikanthan, Reconfiguration Algorithms for Degradable VLSI Arrays with Switch Faults, International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS), pp. 356-361, Singapore, 2012.
2. Yuanbo Zhu, Jigang WU, Guiyuan JIANG, Ke CHEN, Efficient Heuristics for Minimizing Reconfiguration Overhead on VLSI Arrays with Faults. Journal of Computational Information Systems (JCIS), Binary Information Press, USA, 8: 16 (2012) 6679-6686. (Best Paper Award)
3. Yuanbo Zhu, Wu Jigang, Siew-Kei Lam, T. Srikanthan, Preprocessing Technique for Accelerating Reconfiguration of Degradable VLSI Arrays. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems(ISCAS), pp. 2424-2427, Beijing, 2013.
4. Wu Jigang, Yuanbo Zhu, Zhipeng Niu, T. Srikanthan, Constructing Low Temperature Subarrays on reconfigurable VLSI Arrays, Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers (JCSC), World Scientific Publishing Co. Singapore. Vol. 23, No. 5 (2014) 1450067 (18 pages)
5. Wu Jigang, Guiyuan Jiang, Yuanrui Zhang, Yuanbo Zhu, Algorithm for Communication Synchronization on Reconfigurable Processor Arrays with Faults, In: Proc. The 26th Intl. Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), pp. 259-263, Shanghai, 2012.
6. Wu Jigang, Zhipeng Niu, Yuanbo Zhu, T. Srikanthan, Qining Shen, Reconfiguration algorithm for low temperature sub-array on VLSI/WSI arrays with faults. In: Proc. The 18th Intl. Symp. on the Physical and Failure Analysis of Integrated Circuits (IPFA), pp. 203-206, Korea, 2011

Datang Telecom Technology Co. Sep.2012 - Nov.2012, Beijing

Internship (Department of Research and Development)

Utilizing microphone and audio input to realize the data input, data output and human-computer interaction by multi-threading and establishing transferring protocol on Android platform for various mobile phones.

Environment and Language: Eclipse 3.4.1, Android 4.1, ADT-15.0.1, Java 6.0

Development and maintenance of The website of 4th International Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms and Programming(PAAP) Mar.2011 - Dec.2011, Tianjin

Principal (Practical Project)

Design, master and maintain the website of The Fourth International Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms and Programming (PAAP 2011), which was held in Tianjin, China, during December 9-11, 2011.

Environment and Language: Win Server 2003, Mysql, Java, Struts2, JSP, JavaMail

Dalian Hi-Think Computer Technology, Corp. Dec.2009 - Mar 2010, Tanggu

Internship (One Province’s Tax Administration System in Japan)

In charged of Oracle Database Design, write stored procedures and SQL queries, write technical documents and master software development process, worked as a team leader of interns.

Environment and Language: Linux server, Oracle Data base, Java, VBA

Berheley Software Design Co., Ltd Jul.2009 - Oct.2009, Tianjin

Internship (Distance Education Platform of the Education Department in China)

Utilized the OSCache framework to optimize Web page, Business logic optimization and later system testing.

Environment and Language: MyEclipse. Java, JSP, OScache, JavaScript, Junit

Professional skills

Computer engineering skills:
Solid Java/C Programming, Oracle, Spring framework, System Security;
Good knowledge of OOD, Software Architectures and UML, Python, Android, Html5, RESTful & NoSQL.
Familiar with C++, Cloud Computing and computer architecture and Algorithmic Design.
Language skills:
CET-6; GRE(revised): V 150/170, Q 161/170, AW 3.0/6; Speaking and writing fluently in English; Beginning level in Japanese.
Social Skills:
Driving license C1; KAB; Good at swimming & playing basketball
Other skills:
Eclipse, Axure,Xmind, Latex, Matlab, Rational Rose


  • JAVA
  • HTML/CSS/JavaScript
  • Python
  • PHP


  • Oracle
  • Mysql
  • SQLServer
  • NoSQL: Cassandra, MongoDB


Stanford University Apr. 2017 - May 2017

Professional Education on Technology and Entrepreneurship

Nanyang Technical University (NTU)Jul. 2015 - Jul. 2017

MSc in Technopreneurship and Innovation Program (Part-time)

Tianjin Polytechnic University (TJPU)Sep. 2010 - Apr. 2013

Master’s Degree of Computer Applied Technology,Recommended as an exemption graduate student with full scholarship, GPA: 3.32/4

Nanyang Technological University (NTU)May. 2012 - Aug. 2012

Exchange student, School of Computer Engeerring

Oriental Standard International IT instituteOct.2008 - May.2010

International Software Engineer Training (JAVA)

Tianjin Polytechnic University (TJPU)Sep. 2006 - Jul. 2010

Bachelor’s Degree of Computer Science and Technology, GPA: 3.61/4

Social Practice

Senior member of World Education Blockchain Association (WEBS) 2018
Member of Institution Of Engineers (IES), Singapore 2016
Built the website for Advanced Monitoring and Analytics for Gas Pipeline http://freerambo.com/gas, 2015
Built the website for Measurement and Verification of Chilled-water Plant http://freerambo.com/plant, 2015
Developed an IOS mobile app Weknow that discover and share knowledge via images http://youtu.be/uzabkv_e_dw , 2015
Facilitator for NYAA-GAHA Integration Project of Singapore 2014
2009-2010 Part-time Instructor and Teaching Assistant, at School of Computer Engineering, TJPU
2007-2008 President of Future Social Entrepreneur Association, TJPU

Honours & Awards

2013-2014 The Excellent Master Dissertation in Tianjin Municipality
2012-2013 Won the Science and Technology Progress Award for Post Graduates in TJPU (only two students of each school)
2011-2012 Best Paper Award of National Conference on Theoretical Computer Science (NCTCS 2012)
2009-2010 Merit Student and Excellent Graduate papers of Tianjin Polytechnic University (1%);
2009-2010 Won the second prize in National Computer programming Contest.
2007-2009 Merit Student and Three Consecutive Years of First class scholarship of TJPU (5%)
2007-2008 Won the First Prize in Mathematical Contest of Tianjin Polytechnic University. (5%)

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